My Massage Therapist and Jury Duty

I saw my massage therapist seeing my doctor and brought her up to speed there, my doctor did document my PTSD, dissociation and anxiety filled experience. That way, should I ever be called again, I can go to the doctor’s office and get a note excusing me from jury duty. I certainly did not expect that this time would be any different from the jury duty I did 20 years ago, but I was wrong.

As I explained to my massage therapist during a life coaching session, I had no idea I would have such a strong reaction. I realized however, that the previous jury duty was before I realized I had multiple personalities.

My massage therapist asked me about anytime during my past when I had a similar experience. As I said yes, she asked me when that was. She asked me how old I was, and I replied young. I remember seeing a photo of me (in my mind) as a child going through something similar, though it wasn’t in a good or positive way. It’s a snapshot that suddenly came up as she asked that question. I did not describe the scene in my mind, though I realize now I must do that.

I will say that this particular incident concerning jury duty only happened on April 1st of this year. What an April Fool’s joke! Currently this is an ongoing process. I still need to work through the anxiety that persists along with the continued effects of this entire situation.

Questions, comments, or what you’d like me to cover are always welcome. Take care.

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