More on How My Cat Triggered Me.

My new cat Stevie came from a horrible neglectful situation. And it was that neglect that triggered me.

I wasn’t sure what about his situation triggered me, so I went online to investigate (the internet can be good for some things)!

Anyway, I decided to research the difference between abuse and neglect. At that point in time, I didn’t believe I suffered any form of neglect. I can’t really tell you why that idea came into my head to do that, other than help from the “other side” so to speak.

What I found was abuse meant a maltreatment of a person, while neglect means the failure to give a person proper care. Improper use or practice is abusing something and failing to do something is neglecting someone. Abuse is the misuse of power, person and trust while neglect is not preventing the harmful action.

Difference Between Abuse and Neglect | Difference Between

Upon reading the article, I had no idea I’d been neglected. My cat Stevie brought that out. I call him my spirit guide! After all, it was he who brought that issue out for me.

So not only do I need to deal with the remnants of the abuse, but also, I need to start looking at neglect and how that affected me.

More to come on this subject

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