As a person in high school, acquaintances would get together and at times reminisce of something that happened in the past. “Do you remember when…?” Inevitably, my answer was always no. I didn’t remember the particular incident being described. It seemed everyone else remembered the event except for me. I just hated this game, especially since my answer was always “no.” It’s interesting though that it never occurred to me that there was anything wrong with me not knowing the event that my acquaintances did. All I know is that I didn’t like not knowing. It was as if I was not part of the group, since I was the only one who was different. I didn’t like not knowing because I was the only one in that boat!
But it never occurred to though there was anything wrong with that! I will say that I have a twin brother and I never heard anything similar from him, though it never occurred to me to asked him about it. I don’t know why that is, but it just never occurred to me to ask him. In fact, it never occurred to me to ask anyone else about whether or not anyone else was “losing time.”
I didn’t realize I had lost time until I began looking back after the “remember game.” I realized that I only had very few memories before the age of 12/13. It never occurred to me there was anything wrong with that. It was almost as if I was sheltered or something.
My childhood contained the most amount of time I had lost. As I mentioned, I had very few memories before the age of 12/13. But that didn’t end me losing time. In fact, it continued for years. I didn’t realize I was losing time until I would look back at what was going on and discovered blank spots.
More on how I discovered just exactly what that meant.