More on How My Cat Triggered Me.

My new cat Stevie came from a horrible neglectful situation. And it was that neglect that triggered me. I wasn’t sure what about his situation triggered me, so I went online to investigate (the internet can be good for some things)! Anyway, I decided to research the difference between abuse and neglect. At that point… Continue reading More on How My Cat Triggered Me.

Side Note

I was going to discontinue this blog, hence the inactivity. I originally started this blog after setting up the original one only to discover I had fat-fingered the website! It was intended to be “thedandelionchronicles” only it turned out to be “thedandelionchromicles.” I must admit I laughed when I realized my mistake (Good help is… Continue reading Side Note

Wanting to feel safe

PT 3 Things remained the status quo for a number of years. I eventually bought a house in the “big city’” which I felt safe as far as needing any kind of emergency services should the need arise. If I ever need the police or fire department, they were nearby. I actually felt safer in… Continue reading Wanting to feel safe

The Body and MY Dissociation: how it worked for me and what I’ve learned.

I was working in a place where I was lifting 65 lbs cases of water bottles. The weight itself wasn’t an issue, but the awkward size of the case was. I ended up with a back injury which showed up on the x-ray machine during the worker’s comp case. At any rate, I went to… Continue reading The Body and MY Dissociation: how it worked for me and what I’ve learned.

The Body and Dissociation

One of the things I’d read about (again, before, the internet!) was how the body could change depending on which alter was out, or in control. One alter could have a particular food allergy for example, while no other alters had that issue. I was not aware of how dissociation affected me and my body… Continue reading The Body and Dissociation